Update Previously Published Photos

The Update on Publish feature allows you to change specific photos in an event without having to republish the entire event.

To update specific photos in your published event please follow the steps below:

  1. Open the PhotoReflect software and from the Events tab, select the event you wish to update.
  2. Edit the images that you would like to update.
  3. After the edit is complete, right click the image, selecting 'Update on Publish' from the drop-down menu.
  4. Select Re-Publish. Note, you will not need to select the box next to 'Update Photos' as you have already tagged specific images to update. That option is only selected if you need to update every image in the event.

After re-publishing, refresh your browser if you are not seeing the changes on your storefront.

If you have any questions, please email our PhotoReflect care team at   support@photoreflect.com.

Thank you for using PhotoReflect!